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Cause Area

  • Animals
  • Education & Literacy
  • Environment
  • International


11 MARILYN RDMILTON, MA 02186 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

Elephant Aware USA, Inc. is a Boston based 501 (c) 3 non profit comprised of an all volunteer board and organized to raise awareness of the challenges faced by elephants in the wild and in captivity. Our fundraising mission is to support the work of Elephant Aware Masai Mara in southern, Kenya. One of our fundraising events is our Annual Boston 5K Run/Walk for Elephants.


Elephant Aware Masai Mara employs Maasai rangers who patrol an area of approximately 84,000 acres, 24/7 for poachers, locate and report injured animals for veterinary care, remove snares, report suspicious activity and work with landowners on methods to avoid human elephant conflict. Today, in African countries where elephants still exist, incidences of poaching and of human elephant conflict continue to grow as population expands and the economy in many countries weakens. Protected areas are becoming extremely fragile. Elephant Aware Masai Mara works to protect corridors for elephants and other wildlife and preserve the unique landscape of Siana in southern Kenya.


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