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Interim Hospice Brownwood

Cause Area

  • Community
  • Health & Medicine
  • Seniors
  • Veterans & Military Families


118C South Park DriveBrownwood, TX 76801 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

Care, Comfort, Choice. Provide Holistic care for the patient and the family, and provide quality of life when quantity of life is limited.


Interim Home Health and Hospice is a locally owned patient care company in operation since 1966. We specialize in home care, hospice and staffing needs. Our goal at Interim Hospice to support our patients and families as they approach the end of life. We strive to help them understand the choices open to them and work to support those decisions. Volunteer services are an essential part of Hospice care, and there are Direct Care and Indirect/Admin Volunteer positions available. We have numerous special programs in place, that include Pet Therapy and We Honor Veterans.


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