Cause Area

  • Arts & Culture
  • Children & Youth
  • Community
  • Education & Literacy


2601 S PAVILION CENTER DR UNIT 2063LAS VEGAS, NV 89135 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

The goals of the program are to build our students’ confidence in self-expression and their enthusiasm for creative writing and performing. The collaboration between child-author and adult-performer creates a performance that is told from a child’s perspective but with the respect and training of a professional performer. We celebrate students and champion their voices by teaching fundamental creative writing skills, providing consistent and nurturing attention to each student over a sustained period of time. We also build each student’s confidence in self-expression, self-esteem, and writing skills. Then perform high-quality, professional theater to the students we serve and the broader community while forming lasting partnerships in the schools and in the community in which we serve.


Much like most things in life, it all started with a small idea - the idea of getting students excited about writing and creating by bringing their stories to life. With this idea in mind, our founder, Rebecca Kernes, assembled a small group of artists and teachers that had a passion for cultivating imagination in children. In 2017, Ants in the Pants Productions was born as a fiscally sponsored 501c3 nonprofit organization focusing on children’s theatre through writing.

Ants in the Pants teachers, actors, and musicians adapt student-written stories into sketches and songs, which are performed for the schools and later for the public. Ants in the Pants teaches workshops in schools, after school, and around the community for ages 6 and up. We take the Children’s stories after 2-6 weeks and we get to work on putting the pieces on the stage. We return in 1-2 weeks and perform for the entire school. We also do the show for the community, so everyone can see their awesome work. The school performances are an opportunity for the child-authors to see their work performed in front of an audience of their peers, an experience that is profoundly moving and empowering for the students.


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