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Campus Compact of Oregon

Cause Area

  • Community
  • Education & Literacy
  • Immigrants & Refugees
  • LGBTQ+
  • Race & Ethnicity


620 SW 5th Ave. Suite 910Portland, OR 97204 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

OUR MISSION Campus Compact of Oregon convenes and supports the work of educational institutions individually and collectively to improve their practice around institutional equity, collaborative learning, and community engagement to respond effectively to a racially diverse and changing Oregon. OUR EQUITY STATEMENT As a racial justice and educational equity organization, we owe it to ourselves, our partners, and the communities that we collaborate with to strive for the utmost integrity. With this, we seek to dismantle harmful systems that perpetuate hate, xenophobia, and ignorance while working to center those most impacted by institutional, systemic, and interpersonal oppression: Black Indigenous & People of Color, LGBTQAI2++ people, immigrants and refugees, low-income people, and people with disabilities. ​


Campus Compact of Oregon is the only statewide organization working with private, public, four-year, and two-year institutions of higher education, and the only regional or state Compact welcoming K12 schools and education nonprofits as members. We embrace our unique position to strengthen educational equity in Oregon through a focus on racial justice, community engaged learning, and college and K12 partnership. Take a look at how we do this through our programs.

Campus Compact of Oregon currently operates four AmeriCorps programs: an AmeriCorps VISTA program, Summer VISTA, and two state/national projects Connect2Complete and College Access Corps. All Campus Compact of Oregon programs are committed to promoting racial equity and social justice, and eliminating inequities that exist in Oregon in postsecondary access and success for students of color and first generation students. National service members are placed at colleges, universities, K12 schools, or education nonprofits and work with a supervisor at this host site. Each of our programs achieve this mission in a slightly different way.


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