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My Sister's Keeper Success Institute, Inc.

Cause Area

  • Children & Youth
  • Education & Literacy


33175 Temecula PkwyTemecula, CA 92592 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

Purpose: Given our complex and changing world, our purpose is to mentor young women of color to be citizens who are confident, critical thinkers and problem-solvers to meet our modern challenges.
Mission: We inspire girls and young women in under-represented groups, ages 10-17 to be confident and bold world changers through STEAM Career and Personal Empowerment Mentoring.


STEAM Mentoring Program
* Take the lead in supporting a group of young women of color, ages 10-17, through ongoing, group relationship
building; 5-week Pathway Mentoring Sessions for Middle/Junior High and High School age girls
*Utilize MSKSI Curriculum Map for planning STEAM Mentoring activities for Pathway; Become familiar
with the 13 Learning Outcomes (LO) and adhere to those LO when designing activities for the 5-week
STEAM Mentoring Program.
* Share how your job role demonstrates the function of the STEAM Pathway, (Helping People Live
Healthier Lives, Saving the Planet, Connecting People and Information, How Things Work, or Arts,
Innovation & Life Skills Workshops).
* Share details of how you solve problems in your job/industry and give specific examples, detailing your
process and how you utilize research, evidence, information, test and question assumptions.
* Lead and facilitate activity-based learning through projects designed to help participants mirror similar
types of process, problem solving, etc. utilizing the ARTS as both a teaching tool and an expression for
the learning, innovation and ideas developed through activities.
* Serve as a positive role model and create safe space
* Build relationships with and among youth by planning, participating in, and supporting weekly
mentoring meetings, whether leading the session or not
* Strive for mutual respect
* Build youth self-efficacy, motivation, and sense of belonging
* Help girls set goals and work toward accomplishing them


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