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Gentlemen By Choice

Cause Area

  • Children & Youth
  • Education & Literacy


1016 West OwensLas Vegas, NV 89106 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

Gentlemen? ?By? ?Choice Community? ?Development? ?Corporation's? ?(GBC)? ?youth? ?leadership? ?development? ?and? ?mentorship? ?program is? ?a? ?social? ?emotional? ?intervention? ?and? ?prevention? ?alternative? ?designed? ?to? ?provide? ?training? ?in? ?the? ?areas? ?of Leadership,? ?Image,? ?Financial? ?Literacy? ?and? ?Etiquette? ?(L.I.F.E).? ?? ?The? ?program? ?promotes? ?positive growth? ?development,? ?supportive? ?relationship,? ?problem? ?solving? ?and? ?civic? ?engagement? ?in? ?the? ?service? ?and development? ?of? ?the? ?whole? ?child.? ?? ?The? ?program? ?deliberately? ?targets? ?at-risk? ?youth? ?from? ?underserved communities.? ?? ?A? ?strategic? ?blend? ?of? ?structure,? ?discipline? ?and? ?professionalism? ?provide? ?youth? ?with? ?the? ?"how to"? ?in? ?L.I.F.E? ?skills? ?training.? ?? ?Priority? ?is? ?placed? ?on? ?teaching? ?students? ?soft? ?skills? ?associated? ?with? ?success. These? ?skills? ?include? ?work? ?ethic,? ?effective? ?communication,? ?self-esteem,? ?positive? ?attitude,? ?adaptability, critical? ?problem? ?solving? ?and? ?teamwork? ?to? ?name? ?a? ?few.


Gentlemen By Choice seeks educated and professional men from various occupations to provide youth personal development and leadership. Applicants must be willing to commit to learning Gentlemen By Choice's principles and training methods. Mentors must be committed to participating in training programs designed to deliver a high level of mentoring to a group.


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