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Denver Area Youth for Christ - Mentoring

Cause Area

  • Children & Youth
  • Education & Literacy


7670 S. Vaughn CtEnglewood, CO 80112 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

To work closely with Client Managers and the Multi Disciplinary Team (MDT) in the form of Transition Mentoring relationship for the last scheduled 12 months with the Mentor/Mentee match beginning in DYC "secure" facilities (also includes youth on probation or diversion and in treatment programs) and continuing throughout parole as youth transition back into the community. All youth entering the Transition Mentoring Program will be matched on a one-to-one basis with a same-gender adult mentor. All matches between mentor and mentee are done after emotional compatibility has been determined; ongoing mentor training is required along with monthly supervision checks. In-depth, qualifying interviews with the youth and MDT members are conducted to explore the best characteristics for successful matches.

* To assist youth in successfully transitioning out of a facility through completion of parole
* DAYFC Program Managers and Chaplains will work closely with the DYC Client Managers with the MDT.
* Over a 52-week period, Transition Mentors will have at least 48 "points of contact" including face to face visits, and email exchange and/or phone calls with the youth upon transition; including a Monthly Service Report
* Offer young people the chance to develop a relationship with one or more adults who become friends, role models, life coaches, and advocates for successful transitions back into community and neighborhood
* Focus on helping youth accept their responsibilities and realize their potential while maximizing strengths
* Increase a youth's awareness of educational, cultural, recreational, career and entry level job opportunities, and introduction to new networks and community


Our mentors are prepared for a challenge. We ask for consistent, persistent, and committed volunteers who care about young people who have made poor choices. All of your mentors have an initial orientation to learn about our organization and additional training about how to mentor high risk youth. After an application, online safety training, and background checks with references we will do an in depth interview to assess the best match for the mentor/mentee. We ask all of our mentors to commit to a year of a match, once the initial match meeting has taken place. Most of our mentors will go through additional screening to be able to volunteer inside of youth facilities in the Denver Area.


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