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Cause Area

  • Homeless & Housing
  • Hunger
  • LGBTQ+
  • Women


1604 NE 50TH STSEATTLE, WA 98105 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

Elizabeth Gregory Home provides a welcoming and respectful refuge where women who are experiencing homelessness, trauma, or economic insecurity have access to a caring community and critical resources.


Elizabeth Gregory Home (EGH) provides hope and help to hundreds of homeless and at-risk women in the greater Seattle area each year. We offer compassionate care through our drop-in Day Center, Transitional Housing program and case management services.

EGH's 3-year plan reflects a strategy to expand the life-changing opportunities we provide to women who access our services. We will enhance programs, evaluate outcomes with more precision, facilitate guest connections to resources, strengthen organizational capacity, and become a change agent for social justice in our community.


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