Carribean Coral Restoration Center,Inc.

Cause Area

  • Animals
  • Environment
  • International
  • Sports & Recreation


Box 2556Lyons, Panama Panama

Organization Information

Mission Statement

Cultivators and Guardians of sustainable marine ecosystems. Ultimately, our dual purpose is to establish a relationship of awareness and respect for all aspects of the eco-systems of the region and maintain a growing nursery seed-bank of the corals that demonstrate the best hope of reestablishing the bio-diversity of these island seas.


As Coral Restoration Practitioners we are identifying as many resilient coral species as possible and bringing samples of each into an ex-situ nursery where we can establish a protective seed-bank, artificially induce spawning and generate large populations that are then outplanted. Concurrently, we are using artificial reef structures to help recover the regional fisheries vital to a balanced eco-system and the local economies. Our goal is to have a solid seed-bank of adaptable coral that can ultimately be used to reestablish reefs as the technology to utilize broadcast breeding and distribution of larva is perfected.
The underlying foundation is the establishment of a sustainable relationship with the sea and the regional people who inhabit these islands. To help achieve that goal, we directly involve the community by using a local labor force that helps to create structures for fish-friendly marine environments.

We want to enlarge our extremely successful artificial reef habitat sites and create an information base to help other grass roots organizations be able to duplicate our efforts in other regions of the Caribbean.



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