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The Amity Program

Cause Area

  • Children & Youth
  • Seniors


322 East 69th StreetNew York, NY 10021 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

The Amity Program works to increase intergenerational interaction and improve the quality of life of senior citizens.


The Amity Program facilitates intergenerational interaction, which is beneficial to both senior citizens and student participants. Intergenerational interaction is empowering and essential to older adults and important and valuable to the younger generation. The Amity Program increases communication and interpersonal relationship skills. Overall, an intergenerational discourse increases social cohesion and creates a more open-minded community.

The Amity Program has four branches. The first branch connects students with senior citizens through a pen-pal program. The second branch connects students with senior citizens through a telephone correspondence program. The third branch provides art supplies to senior citizens with a prompt. The fourth branch sends homemade cards to isolated seniors. Our programs increase intergenerational interaction and subsequently reduce senior isolation. The art box program provides an activity suitable for those with dementia and can provide a well-deserved break for their care partner. Our card program adds brightness and some personal connection to a senior's life.


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