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Underdog Pet Rescue and Rehabilitation

Cause Area

  • Animals


13510 N Creek DrMill Creek, WA 98012 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

Underdog seeks to provide relief to other rescues and animal shelters in the area by providing dedicated, resource intensive care to animals that would otherwise be euthanized often due to behavioral difficulties, time constraints, or other limited resources. UPRR will provide behavioral rehabilitation to pets that would otherwise be euthanized; in doing so, Underdog would help shelters reduce euthanasia rates and compassion fatigue. Furthermore, we strive to provide pet resources, pet boarding, training, and more to the pets of those experiencing housing instability, financial strain, domestic violence and more that often result in surrender to animal shelters. This will help decrease pet homelessness, shelter strain, and reunite pets with their families. And finally, we hope to form partnerships with other rescues and shelters in the area to provide a network of behavioral support.


Underdog also came to be when we saw that this was a two-fold problem; people would surrender pets to shelters for behavior or life challenges, but just want what’s best for their pets, even if they truly loved and wanted that pet in their home. Our solution is to do what’s best for the people and their pets, and oftentimes that keeps pets in their homes, and helps their human’s lives improve as well.

Underdog is the last stop in a pet’s tenure in the shelter system, often as a last ditch resort before euthanasia. Underdog seeks to support our local shelters and rescues so that they don’t have to resort to this painful option


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