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The American Bear Association

Cause Area

  • Animals
  • Community
  • Education & Literacy
  • Environment


11440 Nett Lake RoadP.O. Box 77Orr, MN 55771 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

The American Bear Association is dedicated to promoting a better understanding of the black bear and all wildlife through education, observation and experience. Our objectives are 1) to protect, conserve and restore wildlife habitat within the Vince Shute Wildlife Sanctuary, 2) to educate the public about black bears, their habitat, and all natural resources, and 3) to encourage non-invasive research about black bears.


The American Bear Association operates the 600+ acre Vince Shute Wildlife Sanctuary. It is a place where wild black bears have been coming for nearly fifty years and is the best place in North America to observe and photograph wild black bears. The visiting public can view and learn about the black bears in their natural habitat.


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