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  • Arts & Culture


105 LEE RDPITTSBURGH, PA 15237 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

The mission of Throughline Theatre Company is to demonstrate the existence of common themes throughout literary history that bridge generations and bring into perspective the constancy of the human condition. We achieve this by presenting a series of plays each season from disparate time periods, notably Classical, 20th Century, Contemporary and New works, finding a throughline that bridges generations of theatrical experience.


The very existence of Throughline Theatre Company is in and of itself something of a long shot coming in. A majority of founding members met in college. Catawba College in Salisbury, North Carolina was the starting point where Tina, Sean, Liam, Briana, and Lauren all first came together, each finding their own love for and place in theatre under the guidance of the same instructors. Ursula was introduced to the group when she and Sean met doing summer outdoor drama at The Lost Colony. Lauren and Liam, being the Pittsburgh natives, gravitated back to their home town after graduation. The rest of the group came to Pittsburgh to workshop a small production of a play Liam had written, a production that turned into a sort of experiment or test run for bigger and better things.

The experiment was a modest but undeniable success, enough so that the thought of launching a Company of our own became a more realistic dream than it perhaps had initially seemed. Encouraged by these initial steps, the group settled in the area on a more permanant basis. It was here doing local theatre that the team was fortunate enough to meet Ryan, completing the seven member core. It took ten years from when the first of us first met, a large helping of stubborn resolve, and an equal portion of compromise, but we are pleased to present Throughline Theatre Company.


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