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Citrus Heights HART

Cause Area

  • Community


5912 Sunrise MallCitrus Heights, CA 95610 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

Citrus Heights HART is a volunteer-run community effort to end homelessness in the City of Citrus Heights. Our goal is to act as a resource for those experiencing extreme poverty and chronic instability by connecting people in need with local services. The HART philosophy is rooted in the idea that resources must be accessible in order to be utilized. Because most homeless services within Sacramento County are located downtown, there exists a physical gap between services and many of the people who need them. Open communication between local government, business owners, faith-based organizations, and passionate individuals fosters an atmosphere of collaboration that we believe will lead to tangible improvements in the lives of the homeless in Citrus Heights.


For Winter 2021/2022 we have two major volunteer needs:

1) Volunteers to sort donated clothing and operate our "store" for students and families.

2) Volunteers to offer hospitality, serve food, help sanitize & stay overnight at host sites for our upcoming Winter Sanctuary.


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