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Cause Area

  • Children & Youth
  • Computers & Technology
  • Homeless & Housing
  • Media & Broadcasting
  • Women


5835 VILLAGE LOOPFAIRBURN, GA 30213 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

To address the greatest risk for youth homelessness, the lack of a high school diploma or GED through mobile unhoused youth resources, and virtual academic support programing for Black homeless and at-risk young women aged 14-21 to help them remain in school and fulfill their dreams.


Mending Broken Pieces, Inc (MBP) was incorporated May 2017, and recived its 501(c)3 status in Agust 2019, the organization first major project was the development and launch of Dream Machine, a website of resources for homeless teens and young adults ages 14-24. After the launch of Dream Machine MBP participated in a Incubator for startups through Georgia State University ENI department. This experience started a rebranding, redesign, and update of Dream Machine that ended in a name chanage to Dream Commect and a redesigned, and updated of the website. MBP re-launched Dream Machine under its new name Dream Connect offically September 21, 2020. We will launch two new programs in the Spring and Summer of 2021, Homeless Female of Color Empowerment Initiative and Post-Secondary Bridge Prograsm. MBP's goal is to mend the impact of teens and young adults homelessness through resources, programming, and training.


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