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Beyond the Booth, Inc.

Cause Area

  • Advocacy & Human Rights
  • Arts & Culture
  • Board Development
  • Community
  • Media & Broadcasting


1367 East Tennessee StreetTallahassee, FL 32308 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

Beyond the Booth partners with others ready to soar. We support recording artists, producers and engineers of all genres. by focusing on the creative, analytical, spiritual and mental process that lies ahead for music professionals. We help them better serve their respective communities. We deal with concerns on the heart, mind, and soul by vision adjusting and providing tools and resources through relationships built. Our 501 (c)(3) nonprofit organization custom programs and events with these individuals are on a volunteer basis. We promote industry relationship building with music professionals by providing educational workshops, training, tutorials, life, social, and support groups. We focus on community relationship building as we serve alongside local recording studios, artists, engineers, and producers and provide educational opportunities through mentorship, internship, volunteer programs, resource, referral, community social and awareness programs.


Significant Accomplishments

Beyond the Booth, Inc. has many significant achievements, including

  • Quarterly "In the Mix" industry educational, entertainment workshops and events with local and out of state recording studio partnering and attending with social coverage and followings

Health/Wellness Program

Ongoing program with artists, producers, and engineers looking to explore new ideas on how to eat and fuel their body, heart, mind, and soul for success in a high-pressure stress industry.

A referral and relationship building program with providers and our organization working together with studios, artists, engineers, and producers who need assistance.

The program also extends to working with health/wellness officials on workshops, and educational programs.


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