Would you recommend Elder Paws Senior Dog Foundation?
I had a terrible experience as a foster home for EP. I had an older chihuahua for eight months. Vaccine policy isn't consistent with community standards He struggled with several issues, distrust of men, marking, not potty trained, wined at night, barked too much, was uninterested in playing, nipping if people tried to pet him & REFUSED to walk on leash. I spent a lot of energy helping him modify his behavior. Some improved, some didn’t. My communication with the founder was limited and only brief texts. None about the dogs issues and often she was snarky, rude and generally unpleasant. During month eight, I started to nudge her regarding efforts to find him a forever home. She became nasty, stated she had a home for him and scheduled pick up. If that were true, I would have been elated. It wasn’t. She put him in boarding, blocked me on fb & posted a scathing report about the care he received. Her conclusions were completely inaccurate.