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Wisdom International: Help2Others

Cause Area

  • Children & Youth
  • Community
  • People with Disabilities


PO Box 854Sausalito, CA 94966 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

To Protect the Vulnerable against human trafficking - To Deliver our robust culturally informed Prevention Education to Your Community - To Strengthen the Collaborative Response against Trafficking. Wisdom International: Help2Others was born out of the desire to continue strengthening our response to human trafficking through Prevention training and education in the San Francisco Bay Area. We envisage protection for children, youth, teens and adults from the rampant local and global commercial sex trade and from the cruelty of sex and labor trafficking. This is our passion; it is our raison d’tre. We continue our work through partnerships with tribal, local, national and global people willing to embrace the Wisdom of giving Help2Others, making it their own, while amplifying our collective and inherent 'power to make a difference’. Because Human Trafficking is a preventable crime.


To Protect the Vulnerable against human trafficking - To Deliver our robust culturally informed Prevention Education to Your Community - To Strengthen the Collaborative Response against Trafficking. Wisdom International: Help2Others was born out of the desire to continue strengthening our response to human trafficking through Prevention training and education in the San Francisco Bay Area. We envisage protection for children, youth, teens and adults from the rampant local and global commercial sex trade and from the cruelty of sex and labor trafficking. This is our passion; it is our raison d’tre. We continue our work through partnerships with tribal, local, national and global people willing to embrace the Wisdom of giving Help2Others, making it their own, while amplifying our collective and inherent 'power to make a difference’. Because Human Trafficking is a preventable crime.


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