VolunteerMatch is Merging with Idealist!

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Cause Area

  • Children & Youth
  • Community
  • Education & Literacy
  • Environment
  • Hunger


62 SCENIC DRORINDA, CA 94563 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

AgLantis is a California non-profit public benefit corporation,501c-3. The work we are doing has a quadruple bottom line - Food Equity, Education and Job Training, Environmental Protection and Economic Development. FOOD EQUITY and HEALTH We will be providing low cost sustainably grown produce to schools, the food bank, and other non-profits that feed the poor. We grow produce on 15 acres of public buffer land using recycled, agricultural-grade water, which is otherwise discharged into the Bay. This recycled water is high in NPK, providing free fertilizer. HANDS-ON STEM EDUCATION & JOB TRAINING We provide students and the rest of the community hands-on opportunities to learn. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Volunteering on the farm fosters job skills. We mentor interns. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION We use regenerative agricultural methods which will increase organic matter in our soil and carbon sequestration in our soil.


We are a non-profit urban farm, feeding people, teaching regenerative agricultural practices and building community and friendship. It is easy to be socially distant on the farm and we wear masks when near others. Come have fun, volunteer, make friends and learn!

In 2021, we donated about over 40,000 pounds of produce to the Contra Costa/Solano Food Bank and other non-profits that feed those in need..

Read about us at Edible East Bay page 23. https://indd.adobe.com/view/30449663-6b3c-4f31-873f-4160010af8a2

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