Cause Area
- Children & Youth
- Community
- Disaster Relief
- Emergency & Safety
- Environment
PO BOX 928LOVELAND, CO 80539 United States
Organization Information
Mission Statement
Lions serve. It’s that simple, and it has been since we first began in 1917. Our clubs are places where individuals join together to give their valuable time and effort to improving their communities, and the world.
Our club is part of Lions Club International, with more than 1.5 members in 48,000 clubs around the world. Although there are many differences between clubs, we all are there to support our communities. Our club 's 50+ members have provided a number of services for the Loveland community. Lions strives to live up to Helen Keller challenge to be Knights for the Blind whether it is testing children's eyesight (KidSight),helping the needy get glasses or recycling glasses around the world. In addition we provide financial support to Lion programs and to local non-profits.