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Cause Area

  • Community
  • Education & Literacy


P.O Box 77002CHARLOTTE, NC 28271 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

" We will never forget ..." best describes the mission of the foundation. Not just about what happened to so many people on September 11, 2001 and how our lives have changed but "we will never forget" about how Steve and so many firefighters lived their lives and were always there to help us. The charter of the foundation is to provide educational scholarships, donate funds and/or equipment to local emergency services to increase the safety of the public and first responders, and hold an annual memorial weekend to honor Firefighter Steven Coakley, FDNY Engine 217 & those lost on 9/11.


The foundation is funded by several annual fundraising events as well as being financially supported in many other ways. The purpose is to raise funds throughout the year to support the charters of the foundation. In the past these events have included silent auctions, private monetary donations, restaurant sponsor proceeds, business donations and many, many hours of great people volunteering their time. There are several upcoming events that are planned for the upcoming year not only to raise funds for the foundation but so "we will never forget" Steve and all the other heroes that we have lost.

We arrange 2,977 flags in the shape of the World Trade Center Towers each year here in Charlotte. This emotional and meaningful display draws regular visitors as well as newcomers to the area with strong ties to this tragedy. This event is intended to broaden the awareness of what happened that day, especially for young people who did not experience this historical event as an adult. Many families were impacted and we hope this offers continued peace to them.


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