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Tanzania Environmental, Health and Disability Services Organization (TEHDSO)

Cause Area

  • Children & Youth
  • Education & Literacy
  • Environment
  • Health & Medicine
  • People with Disabilities


P.O. BOX, Rufiji Street MwanzaP.O. BOX 1310, Rwamlimi Street MusomaMwanza, Mwanza Tanzania Tanzania

Organization Information

Mission Statement

Promote community sustainable development through awareness creation on health services, like; Medical supports & Treatment. Environmental protection and conservation issues, Community support to Vulnerable children, Women, Elders, Disabled and Community as a whole.


  1. History of the organization:
    TANZANIA ENVIRONMENTAL, HEALTH AND DISABILITY SERVICES ORGANIZATION (TEHDSO). The organization registered on 20th March 2018 with registration No.00NGO/0009593 for promoting community health and environmental conservation.
  2. Goals Raising community awareness on of health and communicable diseases like HIV and AIDS, and non-communicable diseases. Promote and enhance environmental protection and conservation.
  3. Programs: Health Program (Teaching Program) Environmental Conservation Program, Vocational training and job creation program, Women empowerment program, Orphans and Vulnerable Children support program, Program for the disabled, Program for the sick people, Program for the people living with HIV/AIDS, Program for Nursery and Day Care center.

Provision of health education on non, and communicable diseases. Conduct research, mobilize/provide support to (MVC’S), IPC Services, Serve terminally ill, CHF support, Environmental protection. Environmental health, Supporting the poor/disabled/sick/orphans/vulnerable children/young women and women. Promote Human Rights to People, relief/peace & conflict management. Fund raising. Shooting/documentary. Link/work with volunteers, & other NGOs


Would you recommend Tanzania Environmental, Health and Disability Services Organization (TEHDSO)?
2 reviews Write a review
by Evarist P. from TZ (April 22, 2022)
Because of the mission of the organisation.
by VASCO AVOCADO E. (October 6, 2021)
i like it oals Raising community awareness on of health and communicable diseases like HIV and AIDS, and non-communicable diseases. Promote and enhance environmental protection and conservation. Programs: Health Program (Teaching Program) Environmental Conservation Program, Vocational training and job creation program, Women empowerment program, Orphans and Vulnerable Children support program, Program for the disabled, Program for the sick people, Program for the people living with HIV/AIDS, Program for Nursery and Day Care center. Achievements

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