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Good Hope Support Organization

Cause Area

  • Children & Youth
  • Community
  • Education & Literacy
  • Employment
  • Women


Majengo kwa MteiSokoniMoshi, Kilimanjaro 8580Tanzania Tanzania

Organization Information

Mission Statement

Good Hope's mission is to provide education, skills, knowledge, and emotional support to disadvantaged youth in the community and to enable them to find formal employment.


Good Hope is a grassroots community organization located in the Majengo neighborhood of Moshi. Moshi is located in northern Tanzania under the watchful gaze of Mount Kilimanjaro, and Majengo is one of the least developed neighborhoods in the Moshi region.Education is the key component of the work Good Hope does in the community, and its work is based on three pillars:

1. A free two-year secondary school preparation program and afternoon program in our youth centre

2. A primary/secondary school and vocational training sponsorship program

3. Community social work and career counseling with Moshi’s youth and families

Good Hope’s main objective is to support the students of Moshi’s suburbs from the time they finish primary school all the way up to their university education or vocational training. There is the opportunity for sponsors to fund the education of students in primary and pre-primary programs as well.

Good Hope focuses on disadvantaged youth, providing them the skills and education necessary to provide for their families in the future, while achieving their professional goals. Students living in financial hardship, and/or have family or health issues usually have little chances for higher education, but with Good Hope as a stepping stone, our students demonstrate their ability to persevere and make a difference in their community and family’s lives.


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