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Miracles Therapeutic Riding Center

Cause Area

  • Animals
  • Children & Youth
  • People with Disabilities
  • Sports & Recreation


8802 E 148th LaneThornton, CO 80602 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

Mission Statement Our mission is to provide a safe, quality program that will serve special needs persons of all ages, disabilities, and conditions in Denver and the surrounding community using (equine-assisted therapies) therapeutic horseback riding and other equine activities. This program will promote physical, emotional, cognitive and social well-being, build strength, improve balance and coordination, achieve higher levels of concentration, confidence and self-esteem, and provide a safe, rewarding and fun experience for all of its participants. We pride ourselves in paying close personal attention to all of our student before, during and after their lesson. We strive to provide an inclusive environment for all students and families that come through our doors. A secondary benefit to the community will be to provide an opportunity for organizations and individuals to volunteer their time, resources and energy in the delivery of this important program.


Miracles Therapeutic Riding Center was founded in 2006 In 2016, the organization officially transitioned to a 501(c3) non-profit and formed a Board of Directors consisting of individuals that make up all aspects of Miracles, from horse owners to volunteers to the parents of riders. This diversity will allow the mission of our program to be viewed from all perspectives in order to ensure that we keep everyone's opinion close-to-heart as we develop in the future.

Our program exists solely on the generosity of those around us such as our volunteers, riders, rider's parents, and many other important supporters in addition to our horses of course. We are fortunate to have a safe haven to call home at M & M Equestrian Center in Lafayette. There, we have the capability to teach lessons year-round in both indoor and outdoor arenas, or take a trail ride around the property. Our horses have vast acreage to run and play in their free time, and have wonderful care and attention from the stable hands at M & M. We are so thankful for the opportunity to have such a fantastic support system behind our program.

Our purpose is to enable people with special needs to become the strongest version of themselves to give them the best quality of life possible. Our horses build strength and resilience in all participants.


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