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Africa Health Organisation (AHO)

Cause Area

  • Disaster Relief
  • Emergency & Safety
  • Health & Medicine
  • Hunger
  • International


43 Berkeley SquareCity of WestminsterLONDON, Greater London W1J 5APUnited Kingdom United Kingdom



Organization Information

Mission Statement

To lead strategic collaborative efforts among countries in Africa and other partners to promote equity in health, to combat disease, and to improve the quality of, and lengthen, the lives of the peoples of Africa


Africa Health Organisation (AHO) is an international health agency for Africa. It is the newest and most recently established international health agency covering the whole African continent and the diaspora. Our main aim is to help African people attaining and maintaining optimum health and quality of life. Our vision is delivering high quality sustainable health service and be the major catalyst for ensuring that all the peoples of Africa enjoy optimal health.


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3 reviews Write a review
by kasiyo a. from BI (October 11, 2023)
Habari zenu wadau na wana chama cha kujitoleya, natamani sana kujiunga na nyinyi kama kujitoleya kwa kugombeya nafasi ya tafsiri ya lugha ya swahili, kutoka inchini Burundi. Hello volunteers group members, I would like to join a team as a swahili translator, from English and French to swahili, if any opportunity please think about me, I'll be thankful to join you. Thanks Kasiyo Amissi Burundi Bujumbura Call +257 69 61 90 40 Email : kasiyo.amissi@gmail.com
by Salah E. from IQ (September 28, 2023)
I want to make difference with organisations that take responsibility for humanitarian actions.
by Eshelle G. from GB (January 11, 2023)
This organisation is meeting the requirements for our volunteer interests.

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