Melanin Minds Matter Inc.

Cause Area

  • Children & Youth
  • Community
  • Health & Medicine
  • Race & Ethnicity
  • Women


N/AHouston, TX 77075 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

To improve self-esteem, self-acceptance and self-awareness of young girls of color in preparation for a fulfilling adulthood.


Who We Are

Melanin Minds Matter is a Houston, Texas school-based mental health and wellness program that targets adolescent girls of color in elementary, middle and high school from a holistic approach. Statistics show that minorities have an increased risk of unmet mental health needs, resulting in a larger loss of their global health and productivity as compared to their white counterparts. This program intends to bridge the disparities gap and focus on a population group that is often times overlooked. Melanin Minds Matter will dedicate its effort to promote creative expression and address numerous mental health topics to improve self-awareness, relationship building, problem solving and school-related skills. The girls will meet during school hours or after school where they will learn about various mental illnesses and how they may impact an individual’s personal, social and academic life. Participants will be educated on copings skills and strategies to deal with life stressors and challenges.

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