Cause Area
- Children & Youth
- Community
- Education & Literacy
- Health & Medicine
317 N MAIN STMANCHESTER, CT 06042 United StatesWebsite:
Organization Information
Mission Statement
Our mission is to assist and support children with emotional and behavioral issues by providing a special education day school and a system of child and family-focused mental health services.
The purpose of the Community Child Guidance Clinic is to provide multifaceted treatment approaches to children and their families. It is our hope that we strengthen the lives of our clients in order to help them reach their full potential. Our goal is to provide mental health services at the earliest possible time in a child’s life, with the least possible delay, and in the most time-and cost-efficient manner. Our programs and services are individually guided, highly efficient, accessible, and culturally sensitive.
The world of mental health is constantly evolving, and we strive as an organization to adapt and progress in order to best meet the needs of our ever changing world. Our efforts are geared towards excellence in everything we do. We are proud of the positive impact we have on the communities we serve.