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Enhabit Home Health & Hospice

Cause Area

  • Community
  • Health & Medicine
  • People with Disabilities
  • Seniors
  • Veterans & Military Families


183 Vista Dr.Pocatello, ID 83201 United States



Organization Information

Mission Statement

At Enhab Home Health & Hospice, we believe hospice is not a place, but rather a philosophy of care. Our goal is to bring dignity and comfort home by offering compassionate care to patients and their families during the final stages of life. .


Enhab Home Health & Hospice is looking for patient companions, clerical, musical, PAWS program to provide the patients with the best possible care during their final months and weeks of life. Volunteers provide non-medical services and respite time for caregivers and family members. As a hospice volunteer, you will be given choices as to how much and what types of things you want to do.

A few ways you can help as a hospice volunteer is by running errands for patients and families, playing games or reading with patients, walking and caring for family pets, or even creating a photo album of the patient and their family.

For more information, please contact: Jennifer Maynard Volunteer Coordinator 208-220-2669


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