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Cause Area

  • Advocacy & Human Rights
  • Animals
  • Children & Youth
  • Community


PO BOX 546VENTURA, CA 93002 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

Step Up Ventura provides children experiencing homelessness or at risk of homelessness the opportunity to flourish by preparing them for kindergarten.


We are considered a new organization comparitively, since we are about five years going. Started by a grass-roots of 3 professional people who became aware of the gap in educational and social services for the 6 week old to 5 year old child belonging to families that are homeless or at risk to homelessness. Our non profit provides trauma-therapy and one on one attention in the classroom of schools where we are providing the tuition fee for the children to be in daycare. The schools where the children attend, have the hours of 7:00 AM- 6:00 PM, that provide the opportunity for families to be employed or educated.
Today the original social worker in the grass roots group is the executive and program director, working in the office and the classroom, Step Up Ventura would like to expand into other preestablished daycare centers where our program may be implemented.


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