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Goin Native Therapeutic Gardens

Cause Area

  • Community


28632 Ortega HighwaySAN JUAN CAPO, CA 92675 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

To provide horticultural education, emotional & physical well-being, and practical life-skills development while promoting environmental sustainability and community resource stewardship to people of all ages, abilities and backgrounds with an emphasis on four populations: special needs adults, at-risk & under privileged youth, military service members, veterans & their families, and the elderly.


Los Rios Garden Angels Volunteer at the Los Rios Park with the Garden Angels. Make new friends, get connected, learn about gardening while you volunteer. Since the Los Rios park opened in 2009, the Garden Angels volunteers have given thousands of hours maintaining the CA Native landscape while saving taxpayer dollars. We’ve incorporated the CUSD Adult Transition Workability program, helping students gain life and employment skills while maintaining the gardens. Volunteer Application Adult; http://www.goinnative.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/SJC-City-Adult-Volunteer-Application.pdf Volunteer Application 15-18 (minor): http://www.goinnative.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/SJC-City-Youth-Volunteer-Application.pdf


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