T.E.A. Academy Girls
Cause Area
- Children & Youth
- Community
PO BOX 6965SAN PABLO, CA 94806 United States
Organization Information
Mission Statement
Our mission at T.E.A. Academy is to poise young ladies for success. Through our enhancing workshops, commUNITY involvement, and providing the imperative skillsets we have earmarked the time to see favourable outcomes in each young lady.
We are a call to action mentoring program for young girls ages 10-18.Our goal is to empower these girls through social-emotional learning. This moves our girls from powerlessness to empowered, from impulsivity to positively navigating behavioral choices, from reactive, victimized mindset to a more proactive, communal view of the world around them, and the ability to find her voice and know that it matters. We operate in multiple schools within the Contra Costa County school district.
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