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Heritage Hospice

Cause Area

  • Community
  • Health & Medicine


7215 E 21st StretIndianapolis, IN 46219 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

Committed to Superior Care


Together, our staff has over 40 years of hospice experience! Our team of advanced illness experts provide a compassionate dedication to every patient’s care, taking into account his or her changing physical, emotional and spiritual needs. Our ultimate goal is to support both our patients and their loved ones while honoring their wishes and ensuring comfort. We achieve this goal by utilizing our staff’s extensive experience in end-of-life care and finding creative solutions to any complication that may arise.

Often the reaction to the word "hospice" is one of sympathy and discomfort. We believe that the opportunity to support patients and loved ones at a difficult time in life’s journey could have no greater reward. Being immersed in a culture of service and commitment, to not only to those for whom we provide care, but to each other, is a privilege and brings an unexpected satisfaction. The members of Heritage Hospice have a sincerity and devotion found only in those with the "hospice heart".


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