Cause Area
- Arts & Culture
- Community
- Faith-Based
1430 EDGERTON STSAINT PAUL, MN 55130 United States
Organization Information
Mission Statement
To teach disadvantaged persons or persons who live in poverty how to sew and craft with the possibility of earning an income. SWW has partenered with PPL providing sewing classes to several of their residents. I've been sewing for over 60 years, taught by my mother. I have amassed lots of sewing machines as well as fabric and supplies. My passion is showing people how to sew and craft, watching them feel good about their accomplishments.
Not for profit, 501(c)3, teaching people how to sew and craft, at this time seeking volunteers to teach sewing and crafting. If you scrapbook or paper craft, please apply. Incorporated since 2018.
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