
Cause Area

  • Advocacy & Human Rights
  • Children & Youth
  • Crisis Support
  • Homeless & Housing
  • Hunger


P.O. Box 23300Cincinnati, OH 45223 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

To empower children experiencing homelessness in Greater Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky by providing opportunities through education and enrichment


UpSpring is a reputable organization that has served children experiencing homelessness for the past 20 years. UpSpring empowers children experiencing homelessness by providing opportunities for education and enrichment. As the region’s only non-profit exclusively serving the educational needs of homeless children and youth, UpSpring provides these students with the consistency needed to achieve academic success. UpSpring’s mission is unique in that its focus is meeting the direct and immediate needs of children experiencing homelessness. Throughout the year, UpSpring serves approximately 3,500 students in Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky, offering a 7-week summer day camp, a school based and shelter based after school program and a year-round regional resource center. UpSpring partners with approximately 75 schools, homeless shelters, and social service organizations to provide thousands of students with essential services and items needed to get to school, stay in school and succeed in school.

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