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Westminster Rescue Mission

Cause Area

  • Faith-Based
  • Health & Medicine
  • Hunger


658 Lucabaugh Mill RoadWestminster, MD 21157 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

The Westminster Rescue Mission is a community that provides clinical, physical, and spiritual resources to heal the addicted and feed the hungry. We take a holistic approach with Christ as the foundation of our work.


We are a nonprofit Christian organization committed to seeing lives healed and transformed. Our two distinct areas of service include:

1) The ADDICTION HEALING CENTER (AHC), a CARF-accredited, ASAM 3.1 treatment program, offering two avenues of support for people seeking substance-use disorder recovery. Our multi-faceted, faith-based, treatment approach is tailored for each client, and completely free of charge. We also offer independent living and recovery maintenance through our transitional housing, outpatient and after-care services.

2) Through the MISSION FOOD PROGRAM, we are a distribution partner of the Maryland Food Bank and the largest food redistribution organization in Carroll County. We provide free food directly to individuals and families in need. We also serve as a food bank, providing resources to almost 20 other local food pantries and partner organizations.

Our volunteers are essential service providers! Please visit our website for more information about our volunteer opportunities. http://www.westminsterrescuemission.org/volunteer


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