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Cause Area

  • Advocacy & Human Rights
  • Community
  • Homeless & Housing


1349 HEARST AVEBERKELEY, CA 94702 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

CONSIDER THE HOMELESS! A small yet dedicated group of neighbors and friends who seek to alleviate the suffering of Berkeley’s homeless, our brothers and sisters who are living and sleeping on the streets of our fair city. Our goal is to offer whatever help we can to those living on the streets - beginning with the basic need for food. We strive to warm their bellies and their hearts while offering what we have, with a simple greeting and a smile. There is no hidden agenda. We gain their trust as we respect their privacy and we always treat them with the utmost respect.


Consider The Homeless is a nonprofit, local grassroots organization in Berkeley, CA that is 100% volunteer -- we have no paid staff. We deliver food and survival supplies to unhoused Berkeley residents living on the street, in their car, or in an encampment. Unlike other services for the homeless, we do not require that people find their way to us. We go to them, and we meet them where they are...literally and figuratively. We have two primary programs: 1) A mobile soup kitchen that delivers hot, homemade soup with bread and survival supplies to over a hundred people, every Thursday and Sunday evening, rain or shine. 2) During the pandemic, we've also been providing grocery bags of non-perishable proteins, fruits, other ready-to-eat foods & clean drinking water to about 80 people on both Mondays and Fridays. We call this the "Berkeley Still Cares" program.


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