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Kane County Events and Volunteer Center

Cause Area

  • Arts & Culture
  • Community
  • Crisis Support


78 S 100 EKanab, UT 84741 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

Based in Kanab, Utah, The Kane County Events and Volunteer Center is committed to serving our communities with dedicated staff and volunteers to assist in any endeavor with warmth and integrity. Our unique staff and pool of volunteers and our proven track record assures that any function, event or task is never too big or too small for an unparalleled experience.


The Volunteer Center of Kane County, supports more than 140 agencies and county events with event planning, event management and liaison between event
organizers and event participants. The volunteer center helps locate volunteer
resources based on required skills, help promote and plan events through our web site and
solicit volunteer resources from our large database and others. The Volunteer Center can assist agencies, solicit monetary donations and advertise a "wish list".


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