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Mission Be

Cause Area

  • Children & Youth
  • Community
  • Education & Literacy


IslipIslip, NY 11764 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

Mission Be is a not-for-profit organization, bringing mindful education to schools, organizations, and communities. Our goal is to help children and educational institutions decrease violence and stress, increase empathy, improve well-being, and create positive cultural shifts, through the practices of mindfulness.


Mission Be helps children regulate emotions. We bring mindfulness-based social-emotional learning programs to schools as an antidote to stress, violence, bullying, and addiction, thereby increasing the number of thriving, happy, and peaceful children in the world. Mission Be’s programs include in-school workshops and curriculum for students, professional development workshops, and parent workshops; intensive weekend-long trainings for teachers and educators; online trainings for teachers and educators; community workshops; and organization workshops.

Our school programs aim to improve children’s academic and life success by building their skills of stress-management, inner resilience, emotion regulation and executive control, and overall physical and emotional well-being. Our curriculum helps children cultivate empathy and compassion towards themselves and others, helping to create safer and more nurturing school climates. Our trainings for teachers helps build teachers’ own resilience and capacity to thrive in the classroom while providing them with a curriculum to bring mindfulness practices to their students.

Since launching in 2013 in New York, we have successfully implemented our mindful education curriculum in 110+ schools, in 27 states and 7 nations. We have also trained thousands of educators in New York and California.


Would you recommend Mission Be?
1 review Write a review
by Sijing Z. from Atherton, CA (August 8, 2018)
This is my last day of volunteering for Mission Be before I move on from high school to college. As a volunteer who has worked for Mission Be for the past three years of my high school life, I learned skills ranging from organizing data, developing elevator pitch, to helping Mission Be to get grants. The CEO, Carin Winter, is one of the nicest and and friendliest people I have ever seen, and working (literally) alongside her gives me no pressure as she is so considerate. I would recommend this volunteer opportunity to anyone who are interested in mental health awareness and/or mindfulness practices.

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