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Cause Area

  • Community
  • Crisis Support
  • Disaster Relief
  • Homeless & Housing
  • Hunger


244 FIFTH AVES-260NEW YORK, NY 10001 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

Slice Out Hunger produces pizza-related events and campaigns to support hunger relief and prevention initiatives.


Slice Out Hunger is a volunteer-driven nonprofit that has raised over $1,000,000 to fund hunger relief efforts around the US since 2009. The founding principal was simple: use food donated by independent pizzerias to raise money for local hunger relief organizations. We started with a $1 Pizza Party that featured a handful of pizzerias and raised about $500. Ten years later, our 2019 event raised $75,000 for Citymeals on Wheels in NYC. Slice Out Hunger's $1 Pizza Party has become an annual event and continues to inspire cities around the country to host similar events, but we’ve expanded our reach across the U.S. with events and campaigns that benefit hunger relief in all 50 states.

Our organization thrives on fast mobilization and that has allowed us to spring into action when help is needed. We launched Slice Out Special to raise money for No Kid Hungry, Toppings for Texas to fund the Houston food bank after hurricane Harvey, and Pizza Across America to assist homeless shelters in the cold winter months. In March 2020, we teamed up with Slice and Pizza to the Polls to create Pizza Vs: Pandemic, our campaign to send pizza to frontline healthcare workers and first responders across the country.


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