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Love Inc of North Oakland County

Cause Area

  • Community
  • Crisis Support
  • Faith-Based
  • Homeless & Housing
  • Hunger


1550 W. Drahner RdOxford, MI 48371 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

Love Inc. of North Oakland County is a network of churches, organizations and individuals working together to identify and assess the needs of families and individuals in our community, and to direct them to the appropriate resources for resolution. Our goal is to walk along side of those in need in such a way that we help them make positive strides toward freedom and independence from outside assistance.


Volunteers are the foundation of who we are. Love INC connects people who have needs with caring people who can help. Nationally, more than 300,000 individuals each year give of themselves by using their unique gifts & talents because they are inspired by Christ's love and motivated to share His love in practical ways with others such as providing clothing, household items and training. Imagine the difference communities, social agencies and local churches can make by joining together to help those in need. When we all work together, the results can be miraculous.


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