Flexible Schedule
Pittsburgh, PA 15222
GRANT WRITER/RESEARCHER wanted to assist us in completing application proposals that help us reach fundraising goals to support our efforts to end isolation and bring people together to lift up hearts and minds impacted by the COVID-19 (coronavirus) health pandemic - the Project Love Coalition (PLC) www.plcpgh.org , a community based non-profit organization in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Focus areas: Veterans, Arts, Agriculture, Workforce Development, and Housing Development. Current program initiatives involve: Permanent Affordable Housing, Workforce Development, Gardening/Farming, Culinary and Performance Arts. If you are interested or know someone who might be interested in providing Grant Writing Support to the PLC non-profit organization please contact us for more details. We are looking for a Grant Writer to grow with us and be part of the PLC Family. Must be willing to work with the best interests of all Veterans in mind, understand the need for social and economic justice, have tough skin, and have a desire to see good things happen in the community. PLC seeks to be a strategic innovator, creative, inspirational, and a support for visionaries that can assist us to build up a community and assist Veterans and their families in need. PLC would like to collaborate long-term with fundraisers and all around changemakers who are looking to make a difference by connecting and collaborating with others in the nonprofit, social and corporate sectors. Please note this position begins on a non-compensated basis with future opportunity to be compensated based on longevity with PLC and success of grant submissions. Please contact by phone 412 533 3837 or Email: info@plcpgh.org Thank you for your consideration.
Date Posted: Jan 29, 2025
Flexible Schedule
Pittsburgh, PA 15219
Greetings ... Our grassroots organization is seeking a volunteer Developer to assist us in a new building construction development project involving a 3 story mixed use building in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania USA. We have a very small budget and seek a professional who is willing to provide pro bono consultation services to help us grow in our mission. This building will be used to house homeless veterans and provide support services including opportunities to become entrepreneurs or learn a new job skill workforce development training. Specifically, we require the following professional consultant: Developer - to provide development consultation involving new building construction development All project documents must be professionally prepared. We need this service to assist us with fund-raising/marketing efforts to move our project development forward. Your pro bono efforts will be appreciated and recognized. Project Love Coalition www.plcpgh.org
Date Posted: Jan 29, 2025
Flexible Schedule
Pittsburgh, PA 15222
NEW BOARD MEMBERS NEEDED -- The Project LOVE Coalition (PLC) is looking for new board members. If you are interested or know someone who might be interested in serving on the PLC Board of Directors or Advisory Board please contact us for more details. Project Love Coalition (PLC) Mission: Empowering veterans to restore love, pride, and purpose in neighborhoods through STEAM based projects, community building, new workforce development and housing. Project LOVE Coalition began as a group of veterans, artists, professionals, parents, and youth concerned with the poor quality of life in the Hill District and other areas in the region. PLC was founded to address issues facing all Veterans. PLC is currently looking for a space to operate community service activities and trainings involving veterans and civilians/non-veterans. We have several special project initiatives, two specifically are called the Veterans Arts + Housing Collaborative initiative that has a mission to build housing for homeless veterans and the Agricultural Workforce + Entrepreneurial Training to provide agricultural opportunities. Additionally, PLC would like to build a service center from the ground up. A place for Veterans from Allegheny County to get training, education, help in Pittsburgh’s Hill District. Visit www.plcpgh.org for more information. The PLC seeks 2-3 new board members to help build the current momentum. Board members should preferably possess 3-5 years of nonprofit board service, but not required. In addition, the PLC seeks board members with social justice, agricultural/gardening, financial management, legal, nonprofit administration, and arts education expertise. PLC board member responsibilities include: Attending monthly and/or quarterly board meetings Working with the President and Chief Operations Officer to implement the tactics and realize the goals outlined in the organization’s recent business plan Actively advocating for the PLC in the region to pursue community engagement and fundraising opportunities Committing to serving the PLC for a two year term as a board member Participating in at least one board subcommittee (Veterans, Arts, Love and Peace, Youth Mentors, Business Networking, etc.) Interested parties should email PLC president Kent Bey at kent.bey@plcpgh.org . In the body of the email, they should include a brief narrative explaining how their skills and experience would support the PLC’s growth and impact. Preferably, a PDF copy of their resume should be included, but a resume is not required. Thank you for your consideration.
Date Posted: Jan 29, 2025
Flexible Schedule
Pittsburgh, PA 15219
Project Love Coalition is seeking volunteers to help with our garden activity for the whole community. COVID-19 has disrupted the normal operations causing crops to go wasted and destroyed by under attending but we can make a do something so all does not go to waste and still grow food for disadvantaged families. DATES: March to November Pick a day or days, individuals or groups - All Are Welcome The " Agri-Green Space & Learning Garden" (AGS & LG) is a PLC project in conjunction with its Green S.E.N.S.E. initiative. This veteran-led garden activity aims to bring community residents together to create a public green space to remove blight, improve public safety combined with a learning garden to teach entrepreneurship and how to grow healthy food using sustainable technology. PLC would appreciate your support and participation as we work together to build a brighter and greener neighborhood. Contact us for more details or attend any of the upcoming meetings to share your ideas! All Are Welcome to participate. For further information or to support contact Project Love Coalition, at 412 533 3837 from 9:00am to 5:00pm (M-F). Website: www.plcpgh.org Sponsors are also needed
Date Posted: Jan 29, 2025
Flexible Schedule
Pittsburgh, PA 15222
Project Love Coalition through its Green S.E.N.S.E. initiative is looking for volunteers to help us build a Tiny House for a homeless veteran and a Green House where that veteran can learn how to grow food. The Tiny House will consist of an open floor plan; one-level home that will provide easy access to a bed when needed, a bathroom w/shower, a raised kitchen includes an ENERGY STAR refrigerator, a water-efficient faucet, and an electric cooktop, space for dining and working, high ceilings, beautiful floor located throughout this 160-square foot home. The Green House will consist of a roughly 8ft x 20ft open space double layer polyurethane walled structure to grow food all year round A Clean Energy System consisting of an off-grid solar power system. PLC/Green S.E.N.S.E. overstands that agriculture is a therapeutic way to heal our heroes who have stood in defense of our great nation and now need our help. We want to prove this concept by forming a collaborative team of some of the most genius minds and loving hearts, PLC/Green S.E.N.S.E. aims to create an experimental working model which can prove that we can provide specific services and generate life saving products to meet the multi-faceted concerns on a local, regional and national level. By launching this initiative and providing a roadmap to a career in farming, Team Green S.E.N.S.E. will consist of the Project Love Coalition in collaboration with partnering universities, companies, and non-governmental organizations (NGOs), that can help veterans translate their skills and discipline from the military to the equally important mission of producing the nation’s food supply beginning at the local level. Team Green S.E.N.S.E. will provide veterans with collaborative entrepreneurial opportunities, job and skills training, connection to financial and technical resources, and assistance in the difficult task of providing home options. We welcome any and all to participate. For further information or to support contact Project Love Coalition, at 412 533 3837 from 9:00am to 5:00pm (M-F). Website: www.plcpgh.org Donations and Sponsors are also needed
Date Posted: Jan 29, 2025