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Project LOVE Coalition

Cause Area

  • Advocacy & Human Rights
  • Arts & Culture
  • Community
  • Homeless & Housing
  • Veterans & Military Families


606 Liberty Ave, 3rd FloorPittsburgh, PA 15222 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

Project LOVE Coalition exists to help homeless veterans and formerly homeless veterans. PLC's mission is to empower veterans to restore love, pride, and purpose in neighborhoods through STEAM based beautification projects, urban redevelopment, new workforce & economic initiatives, and housing.


Project LOVE Coalition (PLC) is a grassroots Alliance/Advocacy/Service non-profit organization helping homeless veterans and formerly homeless veterans. We encourage diverse community partnerships as we are dedicated to the universal spread of love/peace.

It is our hope in Project LOVE Coalition that people will come together and join hands and hearts to improve the quality of life for veterans who have served our country. Solutions to these problems are achievable but will take the collective effort of all people or groups committed to bringing about better conditions for people facing serious crisis. Project LOVE Coalition aims to bring veterans and residents together to identify and implement sustainable solutions to build a more inclusive and diverse community that affords homeless veterans housing options and job training.


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