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Stepping Forward LA

Cause Area

  • Children & Youth
  • Community
  • Education & Literacy
  • Employment
  • Homeless & Housing


1270 S Alfred StSuite 2154Los Angeles, CA 90035 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

OUR MISSION Empower young adults aging out of foster care to transition successfully to adulthood and reach their fullest potential. WHY WE EXIST Los Angeles County is home to the nation’s largest foster care system. Each year, more than 1,000 young adults "age out" without a permanent family to guide them toward adulthood. With histories of trauma and instability, these young adults often struggle to advance without the support they deserve. They face high rates of homelessness, poverty, incarceration, mental health challenges, and unplanned pregnancy.


We take pride in hiring individuals with personal experience in foster care. In addition to bringing unique expertise, they serve as powerful role models to the youth we support. Besides employing former foster youth on staff, we involve them in our internship program, co-mentoring community, and our Board of Directors.


Would you recommend Stepping Forward LA?
3 reviews Write a review
by Carol M. (February 12, 2020)
I volunteered at the DREAM CENTER FDN 082019 - 12/2019. It was a very rewarding experience and I met alot of people..I saw fisrt hand how hard people work to provide the needy with basic needs.food shelter clothes. I sorted clothes that were donated. I Maria.Holder, volunteer coordinator
by Yasmin K. (November 9, 2018)
I have been a co-mentor with SFLA for 2 1/2 years. Working with the current and former foster youth involved with the organization has changed my life, as has SFLA's incredible Executive Director, Beth Ryan. This organization is much like a family and in SFLA, Beth Ryan has created a unique and diverse community of volunteers and current and former foster youth who all strive to support one another. The organization's monthly event, 1st Saturday (on the first Saturday of every month) is a wonderful opportunity to get together, share a meal, get caught up and take part in some fantastic programming. I can't recommend this organization enough. The opportunities for volunteers are endless and so rewarding!
by Kristina L. (July 23, 2017)
Be prepared for a family-like atmosphere when you join Stepping Forward LA. You cannot get any more grassroots and genuine than this organization. I have been a volunteer Co-Mentor since 2014. You can literally do anything you would like to contribute. Whether you'd like to contribute your skills or to learn new ones, this organization is for you. You will meet many amazing emancipated youth whose stories would guarantee to inspire you.

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