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Opportunity Calls Everyone (OCE) Family Development Center LLC.

Cause Area

  • Children & Youth
  • Community
  • Education & Literacy
  • Faith-Based
  • Sports & Recreation


po box 25Charleston, SC 29412 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

Opportunity Calls Everyone(O.C.E) IS A 501C3 NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION WHOSE MISSION ​is to have our teen & young adult ready by the age 21 for everyday life. O.C.E. missison is to transform the hearts, body, spirit, and uplift the minds of the family as a whole. Through community outreach services, role models, strengthing, counseling, and friendship to pre-teen, teen, and young adult. We want to help out in the growth and development of each individual on their life journey to adulthood. O.C.E. will offer services that will prepare them to improve their quality of life by establishing self-awareness,encourage critical thinking, life skills, building-self esteem, health wellness, and sucessful business skills. O.C.E. mission is to encourae our pre-teen, teen, and young adult to use their challenging life experience as storms to overcome or personal crisis as a foundation to make a personal positive outcome.


Opportunity Calls Everyone (O.C.E.) is a 501(c) (3) non-profit organization that was founded Spring of 2010. O.C.E. provides prevention and intervention support,counseling, and services to youth & young adults ages 7-21 who may be involved in the criminal justice system or at risk involvement. We also serve families who are impacted by everyday Life. O.C.E. was developed to help reduce truancy, high-school dropout rates, substance abuse, and high unemployment within the community. We provide resources to foster behavioral changes and help alleviate risk factors and other conditions that impact an individual's success and lead to criminal justice involvement. No need is ever too basic or complex for us to help. O.C.E. was developed to transform hearts, body,sprit, and uplift the mind of today's generation and the ones thereafter.


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