Cause Area

  • Arts & Culture


312 SUTTER ST STE 500SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94108 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

The Book Club of California supports the art of fine printing related to the history and literature of California and the western states of America. The Book Club honors its mission through the continual research of these topics, and the activities of publishing, programming, and exhibitions. The Albert Sperisen Library further preserves and promotes the art of fine printing with its holdings of reference, fine press, and rare materials.


The Book Club of California is a non-profit, membership-supported organization founded in 1912. The club supports the art of fine printing related to the history and literature of California and the western states of America through a dynamic series of publications, public programs, and exhibitions.


Our membership is made up of a diverse and vital community united by a love of fine books and the marriage of content and craft. BCC members include printers, binders, typographers, historians, librarians, curators, collectors, readers, scholars, and people who simply love books. They hail from all over the world, representing 38 states and 8 countries.


We print limited edition and letterpress publications collected by individuals, libraries, and institutions around the world, and host dynamic programs and exhibitions that offer insight into publishing, printing, literature, and the history of California and the West. Our special collections library is full of noteworthy fine press books and ephemera from the region, as well as reference materials on printing history and book arts.


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