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Six Beats Of Separation®

Cause Area

  • Advocacy & Human Rights
  • Arts & Culture
  • Media & Broadcasting


15 Junction Ct.Staten Island, NY 10306 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

►Our mission is to educate, inspire, enlighten and unite people by instilling in them the importance and power of sharing.


►Six Beats Of Separation(r) is the 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization you can dance to.

►Our mission is to educate, inspire, enlighten and unite people by instilling in them the importance and power of sharing.

►We create fan-driven, celebrity-fueled media content which generates revenue that benefits an ever-expanding portfolio of charitable causes.

►Celebrities, share their favorite songs for their favorite charities, via photographs and video interviews.

►This content then becomes a testament to our mission. One moment shared, can perpetually and positively change the world.

►Celebrate what's possible when we share...


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