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California Native Plant Society: SacValley Chapter

Cause Area

  • Community
  • Education & Literacy
  • Environment
  • Sports & Recreation


2140 Chase DriveRancho Cordova, CA 95670 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

The mission of the Sacramento Valley chapter of the California Native Plant Society is to promote awareness of the benefits of native plant habitat, encourage community involvement, and provide a source of local native plants for restoration projects as well as gardeners.


Our group is a collection of volunteers that runs a native plant nursery and various community outreach projects related to native plants. Our nursery is located within Soil Born Farms on the American River Parkway. We offer two online plant sales a year to the community. We also run various restoration and community engagement activities like the Gardens Gone Native tour. Our volunteers are passionate about the benefits of native plants in maintaining local pollinator habitats and reducing the need for water intensive gardens. We're always looking for help with all of our projects so reach out anytime to volunteer@sacvalleycnps.org


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