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Crater Community Hospice

Cause Area

  • Advocacy & Human Rights
  • Community
  • Crisis Support
  • Health & Medicine
  • Seniors


3916 S. Crater RoadPetersburg, VA 23805 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

The mission of Crater Community Hospice is to educate the community on serious illness and end-of-life concerns and to provide families and patients with quality care and supportive services.


C rater Community Hospice, Inc. recognizes that dying is a natural part of life. Through our team of dedicated and caring health professionals and a community of volunteers, patients with a life limiting illness are assisted to live out their lives as fully as possible with their rights to comfort, dignity and choice intact --- usually in the comfort of their own homes, surrounded by family and friends --- at no cost to the family.

C rater Community Hospice, Inc. provides care to all medically appropriate individuals regardless of their ability to pay. A patient is considered hospice appropriate when: The attending physician certifies a life expectancy of 6 months or less, if the illness runs its normal course; the patient is not currently seeking aggressive treatment, but understands the palliative nature of hospice; the patient resides within our service area (Cities of Petersburg, Colonial Heights and Hopewell, or the counties of Chesterfield, Dinwiddie, Prince George, Surry, Sussex or Charles City); there is a primary caregiver available to work with hospice.

Each patient's plan of care is coordinated with his/her own attending physician and is individually designed with the whole family in mind.

24 Hour availability of services may include:

· S ymptom control and pain management

· S cheduled and emergency visits by nurses, certified nursing assistants, social workers, chaplains and other health professionals

· E motional support and counseling for both the patient and family members

· S hort term inpatient care for medical and family emergencies

· S piritual support for all faiths

· B ereavement support for family and friends for a year or more following the death of the patient

· V olunteers assigned to assist the patient/family with day to day tasks.nt to give the caregiver a much needed break

In addition to the services mentioned above, the Crater Community Hospice plan of care also includes any required durable medical equipment, supplies and medications for pain and symptom control directly related to the patient's terminal condition.


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