Room at the Inn

Cause Area

  • Children & Youth
  • Homeless & Housing
  • Women



Organization Information

Mission Statement

Room at the Inn provides emergency shelter and a stabilizing support system to women and families in need in St. Louis County, using a collaborative, interfaith effort of congregations and organizations throughout the St. Louis region.


Room at the Inn is a 24-hour emergency shelter for women and families dealing with the complex issues of homelessness.

Since 1993, the Sisters of Divine Providence, in partnership with more than 50 interfaith congregations and organizations, has provided a comprehensive program of support to women and families struggling with homelessness. Room at the Inn is integrated in the St. Louis County community through thousands of volunteers who focus on meeting the needs of the homeless with compassion and dignity.

Room at the Inn's goals are to provide safe, clean shelter and meals for women and families, and to help them regain self-sufficiency and prevent future episodes of homelessness. Room at the Inn serves up to 20 people daily, about half of whom are children. Room at the Inn has a unique model, operating with a single day site and more than 50 night sites. At the shelter during the day, clients work to identify and correct the root causes of their homelessness. In the evenings, two hosting congregations create a welcoming night-site environment where clients and hosts share meals, fellowship and a safe place to sleep. Our partner congregations represent numerous different faith traditions and a wide range of socio-economic backgrounds.


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