Board of Trustee

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ORGANIZATION: Urban Resource Institute

URI NYC logo

The Board of Trustees for Urban Resource Institute (URI) has three broad areas of responsibility: Corporate Governance; Program Development and Support; and, Fundraising and Support Development.

The first, Corporate Governance, includes determining the mission and vision that charts the future direction of the organization. Currently, the Board of Trustees is undergoing a major strategic planning effort. We are reviewing major issues that are or will in the future have significant impact on the agency and the constituencies it serves. In addition, we are monitoring the performance of agency programs, products and services.

The second area, Program Development, means broadening the organization's base of support in the community; interacting with the community to bring new issues, opportunities and community needs to the attention of organization; maintaining accountability to the public, funders, members, and clients.

The third area, Fundraising and Support Development, includes giving personal time and money; developing donors, members, and supporters; leading and supporting fundraising campaigns and events as well as maintaining accountability to donors and funders.

Overall, the Board of Trustees help provide the oversight to the organization and its external and internal customers.

Information for Current and Prospective Board Members

Building a strong Board of Trustees requires that current and prospective Board members know what is expected of them. This form provides a summary of information for and expectations of Board members.

The URI Board is a working board, not an advisory board. Members receive no reimbursement for travel or face-to-face meetings are held in New York City area. Those on the Board believe firmly that their commitment to providing assistance to the organization’s consumers, employees, and external stakeholders for their contributions is more than adequate compensation. In addition, being a trustee can broaden one’s experience in a number of areas.

If, after reading the information below, you are interested in being considered for a Board position, please complete the Board of Trustee’s Executive Assistant ( For more information about the organization, please view the website (

Purpose of application

To provide information about what URI requires from its Board. All members are expected

to commit to the required time; participate in meetings, Zoom and conference calls, etc.

Our mission and projects


A world free of domestic violence, homelessness, poverty, and trauma, where individuals and communities are safe, stable, and thriving.


To empower individuals, families, and communities, particularly communities of color and other disenfranchised populations, to end cycles of violence, homelessness, poverty, and trauma by increasing safety and resiliency.

Time requirements

Travel time; attendance and participation (as active as possible) in all forms of Board and committee quarterly meetings, including execution of individual/group charges.

Term of office

Board appointments will be for one year with option of one-year renewals based on a self and Board evaluation. For the present, the term of office will remain flexible.

Board meetings

Current schedule: Most meetings have been reduced to Zoom and teleconference call. Usual protocols would normally require face-to-face General Board and subcommittee Meetings quarterly (time length: about 2 hours); Each trustee is expected to participate on at least one subcommittees.

Committee meetings

Committees meet or conduct their work via face-to-face, phone or some form of technology to accomplish specified tasks by established deadlines. Participation is essential for the committees to do their work.


All Board members are expected to participate in a "give and get" policy for an annual donations to URI. In addition, trustees are expected to attend fundraising events if possible. Current expectations are $1500.

Selection process

Board members can identify prospective Board members or individuals may nominate themselves. In either case, all prospective Board members are required to complete the Application.

Trustees’ code of conduct

As a URI Board member, I will

  • Be committed to the mission of URI;
  • Focus my efforts on the mission of URI and strategic plan initiatives;
  • Accept the responsibility consistently of working as a productive, cooperating trustee;
  • Prepare for meetings, attend meetings, participate fully, and complete assigned or volunteered charges.

More opportunities with Urban Resource Institute

No additional volunteer opportunities at this time.

About Urban Resource Institute


205 East 42nd Street, 13th Floor, New York, NY 10017, US

Mission Statement

To empower individuals, families, and communities, particularly communities of color and other disenfranchised populations, to end cycles of violence, homelessness, poverty, and trauma by increasing safety and resiliency.


Client Focus

  • We are proactive about understanding client needs and the factors that have an impact on them, while striving to make a difference in their lives.
  • We build genuine, compassionate, professional relationships with clients and take a sincere interest in them as individuals.

  • We are open and adaptable to change, value creativity and innovation, and seek new ways to fulfill the organization’s vision, mission, and goals more effectively.
  • We encourage intellectual curiosity and the spirit of continuous learning.


Homeless & Housing
Community, Homeless & Housing, Women


We'll work with your schedule.


205 East 42nd Street13th FloorAttn: Board of TrusteesNew York, NY 10017



  • Brand Development & Messaging
  • Legal (General)
  • Business Analysis
  • Real Estate & Leasing
  • Financial Auditing
  • Accounting




  • Background Check
  • Must be at least 21
  • Orientation or Training
  • 4 Quarterly General Board Meeting
  • 4-8 Quarterly Subcommittee Annual 2 day Board Retreat Tour and Orientation of Organization

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