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Senior Transportation

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ORGANIZATION: Northeast Senior Assistance (NESA)

  • 45 people are interested

DRIVE A SENIOR TO A DOCTOR APPOINTMENT! Transportation is the #1need for seniors. Without it, their health declines and they may have to move to an assisted living facility. But they really want to remain living in their own homes where they feel comfortable. That's where we come in!!!

Volunteers are needed to drive senior clients to routine doctor appointments (medical, dental, vision, lab). This is done on a one-on-one basis. You only pick up one client at a time. The driver will stay with client and return him/her home after appointment. It's an opportunity to get to know an older person who is very grateful for your help, and has lived an interesting life! All clients live in northeast San Antonio but appointments can be anywhere in San Antonio. You can look at our database and select client based on where they live, where they are going, and time of appointment. Clients have been pre-screened and must be ambulatory. We do not transport wheelchairs since you will be using your own vehicle. Volunteers can drive once per week or once per month, whenever you prefer. This volunteer opportunity is flexible and will work with your schedule. Drive once a week, once a month, or whenever. Mileage is reimbursed by NESA.

To find out more about us, check out our website at www.neseniorassistance.org

2 More opportunities with Northeast Senior Assistance (NESA)

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About Northeast Senior Assistance (NESA)


2903 Nacogdoches Rd., San Antonio, TX 78217, US

Mission Statement

Since 1984, the Mission of the Northeast Senior Assistance (NESA) is to assist persons sixty years and beyond living in the northeast San Antonio area who are isolated and lack adequate social support. Volunteers provide needed services, including medical appointment transportation, grocery delivery services, and minor home repairs to help clients live independently in their own homes.


NESA is an ecumenical organization, sponsored by area churches, local business and civic organizations and local government which is designed and organized to deliver the services identified in the mission statement.

We have been apart of the United Way agency since July 2015.


Community, Seniors


We'll work with your schedule.


2903 Nacogdoches Rd.San Antonio, TX 78217



  • People Skills




  • Driver's License Needed
  • Background Check
  • Must be at least 21
  • Orientation or Training
  • flexible
  • patience and a love for older people who are quite interesting!

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